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Play online FAQ
Playing online FAQ
After installation:
1. Run DarkColonyNetClient.exe
2. Login to Lobby.
--Type your Nick and IP
3. Which IP should I use?
--If you wanna play with someone by LAN - type your Local IP.
--If you wanna play by Hamachi - type your Hamachi IP.
--If you wanna play on Internet type your Public IP. There is a table with your IP on the right side of our website under our Hamachi networks tables. This is your Public IP. But if you are connecting by router or something like this you cannot create server because nobody can join you. What to do in this situation?
Configure your router and set NAT routing.
Dark Colony use 8888 PORT.
Remember. Some times you'll have to your's router's firewall.
4. After joining Lobby you can chat with everybody logged in.
5. How to play?
--If you wanna create server - create room and invite players from lobby. After that lock room and press launch game.
--If you wanna join game - join to room. List of Rooms is under Player List. If you wanna join just double click on Room's name. When you're in- wait for other players.
6. Game runs and I see dark Colony Main Menu. What now, my Master and Commander from the Dark Side of the Moon?
--If you are creating serwer enter MULTI PLAYER WAR -> ACT AS SERVER
--If you are joining the game enter MULTI PLAYER WAR -> CONNECT TO SERVER -> CONNECT
When game runs I have error.
--We don't know why sometimes this error pops up. Simply try again.
When I'm in Lobby I can't see any players and rooms.
--Maybe you are alone or DC Multiplayer Client have error. Shut it down it and try again.
Hi guys, i have a question about team places ( or base placement ). Is there any chance to control in which place ( base ) you will start ?? Even when i buil my own map and place teams i start in different place ( base ). Thanx
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ozi_ns10/09/2023 00:07 spróbuj na nowo wgrać grę. Zaliczyłem plansze 3 razy każdorazowo zmieniając taktykę i żdnego błedu.
ozi_ns10/09/2023 00:05 Jedyne co wtedy ma miejsce to zmiana pory dnia. w tej misji skrypty są tylko na podstawie czasu wiec twoje działania nie mogą powodować błedu.
maranta05/09/2023 18:34 Lol... jak dropbox to zrobił XD